Summer 2019

Campus workspace

As spring semester comes to an end, some lab highlights!

  • Felicity ended her postdoctoral era with a new publication on how neonicotinoid pesticides impact learning in free-flying bees, and now heads to UT-Austin to begin her faculty position.

  • Jake received 2nd place in the UNR Graduate Student Association’s Student Paper Competition! A version of this work will be out in press in a few weeks, so stay tuned…

  • Anna received a Hadley-Lynch Scholarship from the UNR Biology Department!

  • PI Leonard received the Hyung K. Shin Award for Excellence in Research from the College of Science. It was great to have all our hard work recognized in this way!

Now for a busy but hopefully productive summer! Many of us will be at conferences (e.g. International Pollinator Conference at UC Davis, Evolution). PI Leonard is starting a year of leave, so may be a bit slower to answer emails than normal.


New papers and people!


Spring update