2017 Bee Bake Off!

Felicity's edible bumblebee colony, complete with honeypots

Springtime, and lots to celebrate!

  • Emily Breslow successfully defended her honors thesis on octopamine
  • Devon and Jake received Whittell Fellowships for research at Little Valley
  • Devon won 4th place ($250) for her poster at the UC Davis Bee Symposium, and Felicity gave an excellent lighting talk!
  • Crystal Wang received a Nevada Undergraduate Research Award to fund an independent research project
  • And, we had our annual Bee Bake Off!! Held annually in memory of Harvi Singh (a former undergrad who brought his A-game to bee-themed baking), we had many tasty contributions. This years's winner? Jake Francis! Pictured holding the "B" trophy, for his orange-buttercream bumblebee macarons.

Mentoring Award!


Bees on a sugar rush? New Animal Behaviour paper out!